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CSB today

Your relationship with CSB is governed by the world-class statutory and regulatory framework of Cook Islands, the most advanced banking jurisdiction in the Pacific.

At the heart of our business is financial security.

Banking in Cook Islands

Rigorous internal procedures

Rigorous internal procedures

In addition to the world-class legal and regulatory framework of Cook Islands and its supervision by the Financial Supervisory Commission, CSB maintains state-of-the-art internal policies, processes, procedures and controls in line with the highest international standards and best practices, such as:

  • Regular testing of processes and controls
  • ‘Three lines of defence’ internal risk control with multiple oversight
  • Daily transaction and balance reconciliation of all client accounts and the treasury portfolio
  • Daily capital ratio and liquidity profile calculation and reporting
  • Annual review and approval of updated versions of all policies and procedures by the Board of Directors
Our team

Our team

Our directors, officers and staff are bound by our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and subject to strict requirements for appointment, including full background and police checks and professional references.

All our shareholders, directors and managers are approved by the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC).